Posted in America, Animals, Celebrities, Democratic Party, Hollywood, Liberals, PETA, Politics

Animal Culture

Liberal standards sometimes can be very hard to understand. Actually, their rules and their whole community are beyond immoral. I can’t help but keep calling liberals and leftists “animals.” And I was blocked on social media for that. Because according to their terms, all my words fall under the category of hate speeches. But in […]

Animal Culture
Posted in America, Animals, Celebrities, Democratic Party, Hollywood, Liberals, PETA, Politics

Animal Culture

Liberal standards sometimes can be very hard to understand. Actually, their rules and their whole community are beyond immoral. I can’t help but keep calling liberals and leftists “animals.” And I was blocked on social media for that. Because according to their terms, all my words fall under the category of hate speeches. But in […]

Animal Culture
Posted in All Lives Matter, America, Black Lives Matter, Politics, Race

All Lives Matter

I know this slogan “All lives matter” is somehow associated with racism and criticizing black people as you can see in news. If you Google it, you’ll see how racist those words seem. The actual meaning is not that racist. People are just misunderstanding us, the conservatives. For years, we are accused of being white supremacists because of that. Think about it. How could pro-lifers neglect black people lives? We care about all lives. A person is a person, no matter how small he is. I don’t mean all republicans are so kind, flawless and so empathic. But one of your democrat candidate said that you cannot be pro-life and liberal at the same time. I’ve seen how many democrats mostly celebrities endorse leaders who are pro-choice and pro-abortion. Therefore, it’s clear that majority of the democratic party promote legal abortion. It is funny how those people suddenly want to protect black people while neglecting about aborted fetuses including black babies. They don’t have logical thinking and common sense. They claim that “all lives matter” means conservatives are just white supremacists and nothing else. This is ridiculously wrong. The leftists even destroy the meaningfulness of the word “liberal.” A lot of right-wingers now have assumed that being a liberal means having rights to disturb other people’s lives, burst with anger, reject different opinions, feel easily offended by factual explanations, destroy public properties and kill babies. You did that to yourself, liberals! Your manners and outrageous behaviors define who you are.

I know it. I get it. All lives matter is meaningless until black people lives are considered precious. But I don’t mention all except black. It’s all living organisms on planet earth. And I’m quite aware that every race matters. Liberals on the Internet keep giving us examples as if we’re too dumb to understand their slogan “Black lives matter.” We get it. We can’t just reply ‘all types of cancer matter’ to those people who are participating in breasts cancer awareness campaign. In the same way, saying ‘ALM’ in the middle of ‘BLM’ movements is considered rude (according to liberals). Even 17 year-old Bille Elish tried to educate us on the Internet. She wrote on her Instagram post as she used too many curse words. (I guess that’s the only way to grab people’s attention. Plus you need to write the whole essay in capital letters.) She already has millions of followers. She can happily follow the steps of Jennifer Lopez who once posted an old photo of a child behind bars to spread a misleading fake news about border security. We shouldn’t easily forget that one time when Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) posted a ridiculously manipulated photoshopped picture of a kid being arrested by border guards. No shame. When I was younger, I wonder why a lot of actresses show full frontal nudity in movies instead of using CGI or body double. Well. They’re shameless and brainless. Anyway, it’s that time of the year again. The 2020 election day is drawing near. It’s time for celebrities to use their fame and power to spread fake news and their one-sided political opinions. How can people become automatically genius once they become a part of Hollywood film industries?

It’s not completely wrong to consider liberals are violent and hateful. They express how aggressive and abusive republicans are in movies and TV shows. They call us old-fashioned and uneducated. Let’s see who are the real racists who enjoy starting chaos and anarchy as they try to play the race cards.

Note: The following captions contain a lot of sarcasms.

1. Inhale the smoke, you racists!

I can’t breathe. I’d make sure that you can’t breathe either. (hashtag: WearAMask)

2. Smoke that triggers your asthma (hashtag : icantbreathe)

Beautiful and inspiring, huh?

3. Black stores don’t matter

We are civil rights activists and we loot stores. We don’t care if the owner was a black person.

4. Destroying statues and public properties? We, antifa have been doing that for years.

We’re smashing glasses and beating a**. We even forgot what we were protesting about.

5. We’re sorry about our white ancestors who might have owned slaves or not. Dunno.. Bruh..

Mwah.. mwah..

6. Corona who?

We’re in the middle of pandemic of what?

7. A life is a life only when we acknowledge it. (Hashtag: #westillhatebabies #prochoice #killthepolice #policearepigs #blackconservativesdontmatter)

We the rioters simply don’t care about police officers lives

8. Help us, privileged people. We’re being oppressed. Hear us out.

This is for George Floyd! Rest in peace, brother.

Author’s Note:

Overall, this is not about races anymore. The policeman who killed George Floyd has already been punished. The case has been handled and justified. People are still sad and unpleased because Donald Trump is still President. They might be wondering .. “How in the world that racist orange man is sitting in the oval office? Why? Oh Lord! The world is so cruel.”

I don’t claim that George’s life didn’t matter. His life did matter. May he rest in peace. I hope he won’t suffer this kind of tragedy in his next life.

Twitter: @cat_4488

Posted in Gay Pride, Gender, Hollywood, LGBT

Every month is pride month ?

I’m not good at writing titles and headlines that are usually eye-catching or click-baiting. Maybe I am not a professional blogger yet. Under this supposedly attention-grabbing caption, I am going to discuss about the gay pride, of course. I have been thinking about gay pride since Nickelodeon has announced that SpongeBob SquarePants, a lifeless cartoon character has to be necessarily gay. Actually, I am so used to those kind of announcements. I just can’t stand how my favorite funny spongeboy, whose love interests are Sandy and Pearl, suddenly prefers male genital organs. I knew it’s coming. But it’s still a shocking news. Back in the day, somebody created an iconic character. 20 years later, the company that owns it shall proclaim that it is gay because the producers and the crew want everybody to know that they’re not homophobic or not even close to it. There must be one gay person in every crowd, every league and every animation. Have you ever think about that? Just think about it. One day, you’re doing the dishes while holding a sponge in your hand and wonder if the sponge has any sexual preference? Have you ever wondered if your pet dog is somehow gender fluid? Or have you ever considered adopting a white male Christian dog, a brown female dog who’s probably stronger than any male dogs, a ginger lesbian cat, a bisexual black cat and a gay Islamic turtle so that you don’t look racist, sexist or homophobic?

Diversity is not strength at certain points. Birds of a feather flock together. A wise man and a fool cannot stay together for long. Maybe there are exceptions. However, exceptions are not excuses. Exceptions are not always perfect examples. The point is prioritizing minorities doesn’t always mean that you actually love them, care about them and appreciate them. You’re just pretending. And pretending doesn’t work every single time. Overall, you’re a liar. That’s what most celebrities, influencers and public figures do. They lie. They lie right to our faces. Most of the time, a celebrity pretend to have sympathy and a very kind heart. The audience would say, “Aww.. He’s so cute, so generous. He really care about us, the minorities.”

Right now, Hollywood is sick. Certain people have very sick minds. Filmmakers and writers usually think that they could fool us just by giving us political-themed movies, series and cartoon shows. And we love it no matter what. Because there’s no such genre as politics in movies. So we enjoy them a lot. The filmmakers already knew that. Both the film studios and movie-goers know how much left-themed agendas can be put in one movie/show. Anyway, we love the actors, their performances and the amazing CGIs and storylines. We tend to forget some unimportant messages hidden in them. Let me tell you some obvious examples.

“Sometimes you have to sleep with some guys to find out you’re not interested in them.” This is the ‘polite’ version of a movie dialogue written by me. You’d know the ‘original’ dialogue if you have watched “Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising.” The original one is undoubtedly rude. Dave Franco’s character in the film finally figured out that he was gay. He slept with his best friend’s girlfriend in the first film. I remember that well. Then he’s gay. He realized it a few years later. Congratulations. (Well. It takes time to make a big decision. But it’s not cool when you’re a grandparent and then leave your kids and pretend to be a six year-old girl. It took him 55 years to accept the fact that he’s gay. That’s sick. That’s a real story. He’s not inspiring. He definitely has a mental disorder.) So, one dude in the film “Neighbors 2” said, “Sometimes you gotta **** **** to know you don’t like ****.” Hmm. I know how some people would respond to me. “Relax, Catherine. It’s just a comedy. You’re taking it seriously.” I am not losing my cool just because a guy turns into gay in a movie. Nonetheless, it’s not the first time how Hollywood industries introduce their anti-homophobic / everyone-is-gay-and-normal idea to us. Gays in movies are a thing and according to them, we are not supposed to reject it. Or else we are labeled as ‘homophobes’ because we the viewers, who are initially non-homophobic, feel uncomfortable or refuse to see extremely gay-themed entertainments or cannot tolerate illogical explanations in films. At last, we have to keep calm and let them destroy our childhood favorite heroes. Batman is gay. SpongeBob is gay. Elsa is gay. Dumbledore is gay. People you idolize might be gay someday. Who knows? It takes them years.

Here’s another good ones from the Superhero universes. White Canary (portrayed by Caity Lotz) was revealed ‘gay’ the moment she decided to come back to Star City. “Surprise, Green Arrow! I used to sleep with you but I’m gay. And I am not an ordinary gay you see everyday. I’m the strongest she-person in this universe. I even dethroned Rip Hunter in “Legends of Tomorrow” because men are not supposed to lead the show. He willingly gave me his own time-traveling waverider because he failed tragically as a leader. So did Victor Garber, the old white man. Obviously, no men can lead our group. Have you ever seen a gay woman lead a superhero league? Here I am. How empowering!”

Alex Danvers (Kara Zor-El’s step sister in “Supergirl” TV series) has entered the chat. “Hold my beer, fellas. I used to be a beautiful strong woman in Season 1. I even had encountered my love interest. He’s a man. Wait. Do I need to mention his gender? I have to. Because I don’t feel like myself anymore. Wait. I’m gay. Woohoo! So woke. So happy.”

Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) has left the group. “Geez! I’m gay but I don’t fit in. Why? Maybe it’s because I’m gay in real life but I play a straight guy in the TV show. It’s not just fair. I died in that show. .. Oh. Thanks a bunch, writers. I’m gay in the alternate universe. Yay!”

Scriptwriters has created a new chat group.

Writer 1: “Ah. We have keep this group private. We should not let the actors find out that we are just playing with their characters to make a movie so ‘diverse’ that even aliens from other planets envy us.”

Writer 2: “What about we.. ah.. make Arrow and Deathstroke become best buddies ever? I can sense some bromance in them.”

Writer 3: “Good idea. That’s somehow 2% gay-ish. Make it happen!

Writer 1: “What? No. Wilson (Deathstroke) killed Arrow’s mother in previous episode. I wrote that part.”

Writer 2: “Whatever.”

Writer 4: “Hmm. We’ve switched couples, added musicals, inserted heartbreaking unexpected deaths. What do we need now?”

Writer 3: “Diversity!”

Writer 5: “What about we listen to the audience? We give too much attention to the unnecessary things. No offense. I don’t hate different people. I want to write a good, logical storyline.”

CW: “Number 5, you’re fired.”

Writer 3: “Normal straight man is kinda boring, man. Either he should be gay or he had a bad childhood memory or some mental issue. That might be interesting. Being normal and having a family life is illegal. We are not making a Disney movie.

Writer 1: “Let’s not forget that even Disney changes the trend. Now they have a lot of ‘diversity’ in their films. It’s really nice to see ‘woke’ people.”

Okay. Enough fooling around. It’s still laughable to see those woke agendas on television. Not only CW, also NBC, Netflix and many other channels are filled with extremely left-leaning political correctness. Especially TV network that is targeted to children should not include political correctness. (For example, cartoon bears holding gay pride flag in “We Bare Bears: The Movie” end credits scene) It’s brainwashing them. And it’s cruel to reshape and rebuild their thinking process. We, as adults sometimes cannot handle some madness we see in films. How can kids manage adult situations?

Sadly, a lot of directors and artists think that they’re changing the world and making a better world. In fact, they’re not. They’re making people in the society feel worse about themselves. They call other people racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobe, bigot, or patriarchist so that they feel so relieved as if no one is going to notice that they’re playing with race cards and gender cards to get love and attention.

What is the point of creating a character who is an overweight kid wearing pink dress but has a deep manly voice in Disney’s Gravity Falls? I’m not upset that she doesn’t have a feminine voice or body figure. (Being fat is just unhealthy. I know it’s hard to lose weight. Yet it’s one of the political tools they use to make right-wingers go crazy.) They think inserting gays in kid shows might make the conservatives angry beside celebrating diversity. We’re not angry. We just feel sorry for humanity. Normalizing everything is not a modern solution to problems. I also have seen boys wearing heavy makeup and gay marriage in other kid shows. Some of them are way too obvious. Some of them are unnoticeable. The producers and writers don’t stop right there. They want more and more just to convince us to love gays more than our families. They think it’s still not right to let gays take the minor roles. What about some major leading role? They assume that it might make a big difference if a gay plays the main character in a movie. Their minds and imaginations are far from reality. It’s crystal clear that they’re playing the gender cards to promote gay-acceptance rainbow movements even though we doesn’t hurt someone for just being gay. You can’t expect everybody around you to love you unconditionally. It’s impossible. Even if you’re a decent person, you can still have haters. You can’t change that. You can’t change reality. Hollywood actors and singers might think that they could reprogram our human brains like computers. Unfortunately, they fail miserably. Take a look at 2016 Hollywood meltdown after Donald Trump had won the election. Celebrities have taken part in a lot of campaigns. I don’t mean that all awareness programs and campaigns are useless and unhelpful. They sound good unless they break moral values. Rules and boundaries. That’s all I want to say. Gay parades can be very overrated and sometimes they disturb people and children. Being a minority doesn’t mean you have the right to interfere with people’s lives and liberty.

I have gay friends too. I see them as good friends. I don’t think someone’s sexuality should be his weakness. I have girl pals who like watch BL (boy × boy) series. They’re so obsessed with them but they don’t judge me for having different taste in movies. We have normal, healthy and happy friendship. That’s it. We’re content for who we are. Extremities are never good. I have friends who hate me for being a movie nerd. I cannot do anything about it. I just ignore them. It’s because of their mentality which is difficult to change. 

Here’s a few memes to brighten up your day. Sorry for the language. All memes are stolen from Facebook users who do not give credits.

Author: Catherine Washington

Twitter: @cat_4488


Posted in Hollywood, Movies, Politics, Religion

Christianity in Hollywood films

There’s a time in Hollywood when Christianity and Christian beliefs were well respected and appreciated.

I’m not even a Christian. I’m a Buddhist. And I do respect monks, nuns and religious people. No matter how many times atheists tell me how religions control us with fear and how illogical our prayers are, I still believe religions somehow teach us how to behave, how to be a good person who has a high regard for traditions and standards of morality.

Here are a few of my favorite movies so far..

“The Song of Bernadette” (1943)

“Going My Way” (1944) starring Bing Crosby

So.. How is Hollywood handling with religious stuff these days? I know there are still great movies like “The Star” (2017) and “I Still Believe” (2020) and so on. However, they seem nothing compared to a whole lot of blockbuster movies and bestseller books that feature a lot of sex, nudity, infidelity, adultery, deceitfulness, disloyalty and immorality.
Sometimes we don’t care about those nasty things we see in films and we just enjoy a regular sitcoms and rom-coms because they are extremely funny and we are supposed to laugh louder to live longer. The characters in those shows have a lot of premarital sex, do drugs, smoke weed, smash glasses and steal public properties. Nonetheless, the audience laugh at the character’s awkwardness and weird lifestyles despite how terrible the story goes. I also laughed when the baby was set on fire in “Scary Movie” and kids were thrown away and got smashed in the faces oftentimes in “Grown Ups.” I just laughed although I didn’t enjoy them at all. We can’t deny that those silly and embarrassing moments and clumsy manners are quite hilarious. And some of you laughed when the actors performed abnormal sex positions with different partners each day. A lot of people love “Game of Thrones” and “Penny Dreadful” that include nudity and sex scenes. Deep down, we know in real life, we can’t do what the actors usually do in movies, series and reality shows.

Let me tell you some examples.

“Paul” (2011)

Simon Pegg is one of the English actors loved and admired by many people. I like him. I like Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. Anyway, I don’t write this chapter to tell you all how much I love movies and artists. It’s about how I can’t agree with the sickening Hollywood anti-religion ideas. Moreover, I can’t just say to myself, “It’s just a comedy. Don’t be serious.” Because political correctness in movies are very serious issues.
In “Paul” (2011 film), Ruth’s father was clearly a Christian conservative who held a shotgun in one hand and the Holy Bible in the other. Not all conservatives or republicans are like that. Isn’t that stereotypical? I thought Hollywood hate to make films that feature stereotypes, sexism and racism. Ruth Buggs was portrayed by Kristen Wiig. As we can see, Ruth was one poor, scared, oppressed little girl who was under control of her strict Christian father. It’s not a common thing that happens in every Christian family in the world. But in Hollywood, it is. ‘Christianity is oppressing females and their rights to have extramarital sex and do adult things.’ Hollywood producers, directors and scriptwriters want to give us these ‘concepts’ that Christian conservative father figure is always rude, abusive, oppressive, obnoxious, horrible, hateful and dominating. We could see the similar concept in other films. And they blame the whole Christian community whenever some Christians criticize their anti-Christian films.

“BoJack Horseman” (2014-2020)

One thing I have to remind you.. I don’t judge a book by its cover. Hence, I am not judging BoJack without having watched all 6 seasons. Okay. It’s such a fun show like “Rick and Morty.” As I’ve said, all the jokes and comic stories steal our hearts. That’s how we fall in love with a TV character. We don’t see the flaws. We don’t see the evil side of him. Or worse. We neglect all the agendas that are embedded in a funny storyline. I love Will Arnett for he’s one of the underrated comedians in Hollywood. I love his voice. He voiced Lego Batman in family movies and BoJack Horseman in Netflix’s adult TV show. Apparently, BoJack’s father in the show is a Christian republican. I could see that in the flashback scene where he asked BoJack if he wanted the easy way or the right way. Here’s the original dialogue.

BoJack’s dad : “In this world, you can either do things the easy way or the right way. You take a boat from here to New York, you gonna go around the horn like a gentleman or cut through the Panama Canal like some kind of democrat?”

Young BoJack: “Um, the canal?”

BoJack’s dad: “You go around the horn the way God intended!”

Yeah. I could see the keywords. Could you? They’re “right,” “democrat,” and “God.”

The easy way a ‘democrat’ would go (or) the ‘right’ way a right-wing Christian conservative would go?

Plus, there are still a number of political correctness ahead this show. So, be cool and laugh at BoJack’s miserable and laughable life choices. Don’t fall in the political traps. Don’t fall for the propagandas. Just enjoy the show. I know it’s hard. I’m not arguing whether BoJack Horseman is a meaningful series with beautiful messages or not. If I hated it so much, I wouldn’t have finished all the seasons. Also, I laughed so hard at Beyonce when she slipped on all the single dollars, not on a banana skin.

What are you doing here? (Leave a like / comment.)

Author – Catherine Washington

Twitter/IG: @cat_4488

Contact me:

This article is taken from my Wattpad book “There was a Time in Hollywood”

Posted in America, Animation, Celebrities, Feminism, Gender, Hollywood, Movies, Politics

Lego Movie Second Part was a disappointment

The reason I watched The Lego Movie 2 was because I love Batman. Nothing else.

It’s never late to write reviews. Because being a movie geek is not dependent on how many movies you’ve watched or when have you last seen a movie. It’s all about how much you enjoy a film / show. Anyway, it’s good to stay up-to-date and go to the theaters usually at movies premiere nights. By the way, I am just a normal moviegoer, not a professional critic which is why I wrote this intro.

I have noticed things that are wrong with that animated movie which came out in 2019. Back in 2014, I loved the first movie very much. And Lego Batman voice totally stole my heart. I thought he deserved his own movie. Well. It happened. “The Lego Batman Movie (2017)” totally was satisfying and quite entertaining. I loved it. To be honest, being a funny guy is no big deal to me. It’s wrong to say that women do not find funny guys / comedians attractive. I love comedy but I don’t enjoy how toxic femininity has transformed some men into stupid beta male jerks with no masculinity. Lego Batman may be amusing and comical since he’s just one of the characters for family entertainment / kid-friendly film. However, he can’t possibly be a total beta male joke (like CW Superman from “Supergirl” TV series) among strong women who don’t need men. But I have no choice. It’s ‘them’ who made the film. It’s the liberal Hollywood. It’s up to them. They could even turn Batman into gay whenever they want.

Hollywood filmmakers and creators have been inserting political correctness and agenda for a very long time now. After Donald Trump had won the 2016 presidential election, ‘they’ became more aggressive and out of control. Their rejection and displeasure have been worse so that they don’t care about how many political agendas they have put in a single movie.

Here are what I dislike about “The Lego Batman Movie 2: The Second Part.”

Both Emmett (Chris Pratt) and Lego Batman (Will Arnett) are nothing compared to Lucy (Elizabeth Banks). Some audience might want more ideal female characters but with more critical roles. Well. We’ve got Lucy who’s really serious and courageous while others including Batman are acting like immature kids. I guess it’s never enough for them. Aside from Lucy, the supporting characters are mostly males. By the way, how is Lucy Wyldstyle even inspiring and motivating little girls? What’s the message? In a world full of sexism and patriarchy, be a fighter? Or dumb your boyfriend if you want to see another one?

Eat a snicker. You are not yourself. Actually, I am tired of this concept in many films. Logical or not, it’s very annoying. A person joining the dark side and then somebody comforting that person that there’s is still good in him, is kinda boring. There’s no ‘good’ in ‘evil.’ (Still, “Nobody’s perfect” doesn’t mean “everybody has got evil side.”) The future Emmett called “Rex” who plays the main antagonist is an evil version of Emmett Brickowski. After all, the main point is that the stronger a man gets, the more toxic he becomes. At last, tough guy Rex is a villain. Weak boy Emmett’s existence is just there as a proof to show Lucy’s bravery which is already highlighted. We can acknowledge how bothered she is to see things that express femininity such as pink color, glitters, girly music, dance, fun and stuff on the Systar System ruled by Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi.

From “G.I. Jane” to “No Man’s Land,” “grabbing men’s crotch” to “believe all women,” modern feminism makes it look like it’s okay to bodyshame men, assault them and look down on all males. Can’t strong females coexist with men? I thought “coexist” is a slogan for leftists. But those left-wingers and liberals cannot even tolerate the ideas of conservatives and standards of morality.

Who run the world?

Contact me

@cat_4488 (Twitter/Instagram)

Posted in education, Pornography, Sex, Sex addiction

Pornography and sexual sin


A person who is addicted to porn can’t usually get enough of regular porns. He wants brutal and vicious scenes. He might look for force sex, rape, bondage, sadomasochism, torture and many more aggressive sexual activities you cannot imagine. That’s how one would become obsessed with pornography and lose his mind.

Ask this question yourself. Is it okay to make porn accessible to all ages? Teens and young adults are curious about new things in life and they certainly have sexual desires, feelings and thoughts. Yet those feelings and imaginations are totally normal for them. Because it is just their hormones working properly at appropriate ages. However, those arousing sexual desires and wishes don’t mean that it is the right time to have sex at once. Besides watching porns and masturbation, there are a lot of things that are important for life. Don’t let your confused thoughts and curiosities make you obsessed with sex. Moreover, sex addiction can lead to both physical and mental exhaustion. Sex can affect young teens emotionally. Some may hurt their feelings.

Having sexual needs and cravings is normal for young people who are facing body changes and mood swings during puberty. One must be careful not to play so hard on oneself.
As I’ve said multiple times, humans are the most superior and civilized living organisms on earth.
Anyway, pornography is widely available and accessible across the Internet. Hardcore pornography includes abnormal sexual behaviors like bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism, and many more an average person couldn’t imagine. It is pure godlessness. Humans behave like animals in those porns. Unbelievably, erotic sexual practices are manners are now considered normal. Some unusual sexual perversions such as sadism, masochism, unhealthy fetishes are acceptable in many media including movies, television shows. Either those bizarre sex acts are displayed and performed as jokes on TV or are regarded as erotic art forms. We can see actors licking each other’s genitals in films as if they were animals. I know that’s supposed to be part of their performances. Nonetheless, humans don’t lick genitalia but a dog does.

The effects of porn as a general can be very dangerous and devastating. We as an adult may handle our curiosity and greed when we are about to face problems regarding to sex but a child is not able to control his or her wandering thoughts about sex. A kid’s brain is not as fully developed and functional as an adult’s. Even adults make mistakes. It’s certain that a prepubescent children cannot handle topics related to sex. They’re not ready to understand the dirty aspects of sex. An underage boy might find it fun to watch a porn or might be confused with the concepts of sexual practices and health. Curiosity with lack of knowledge is very dangerous.

Here is a list of damaging side effects of pornography and addiction to porn.

– porn is addictive like drugs and alcohol
– unhealthy relationship in real life (serious threat to marriage and relationship)
– infidelity, divorce, family disasters (married men feel less satisfied and less emotionally attached to their wives) 
– abnormal sex behaviors — sexual perversion
– unrealistic expectations (the viewers prefer fantasy than reality)
– it leads to sexual violence and aggressiveness
– violation of human rights
– assaulting women, rape and crimes
– health and safety problems (self-harm and self-torture)
– destroying children’s mindset
– wasting time on wrongdoings
– loss of self-confidence
– porn wronly teaches the sex outside of traditions
– oversexualizing women — seeing women as sex objects
– pedophilia and child abuse
– porn alters sexual attitude and behaviors, leads to social problems



Twitter @cat_4488

Posted in Gender, LGBT, Politics, Sex

Naming System (Plus Sex Determination System)

Our ancestors have made naming system. We call a person with male figure “man.” We use “woman” for a feminine individual. We use the pronouns “he” and “she” respectively.

And yes. The author of this book is a woman. I am a “she.” Yet it is not necessary for me to describe how you should call me in my bio. Why? My sexuality and preference are simple enough and so I don’t need to add extra words to let you all know how you should see me and how I feel about it. If you see a woman body, feel free to call me “ma’am” or “Miss.” If you don’t, it still doesn’t matter. Sexual preference is based on an individual’s desire, not how he or she looks. And gender is based on individual’s sex genes and his/her physical form, not his/her emotions and moods. Genetics is already predetermined as in XX or XY. So why should we prioritize our feelings before the facts? There is no way you should be offended by how people see you. You still have the very right to be upset about people giving you names. However, you cannot change people and their attitude. You can’t change basic science and biology just because you don’t agree with them.

Here is a popular example. But I change the concept a bit.
“Is the glass half empty or half full?”

According to Wikipedia, it is a common expression, a proverbial phrase, generally used rhetorically to indicate that a particular situation could be a cause for Pessimism (half empty) or Optimism (half full).

Okay. Here is a different question.
Is it ice or water?
You might wonder how stupid I am to have asked this kind of nonsense question. Well. It is a big problem for today society. Many people do not accept naming system anymore.
Don’t tell me that under certain temperature, water can transformed into ice. But if you do, I might still have a good example to explain it.

What is a naming system? It is simply a system to name things. It’s one of the greatest part of the grammar and language that make us easier to communicate with each other. A noun, a name of everything. We call water “water” in different languages all over the world. Our older generations had named it already. We cannot change “water” to “rewat” just because we don’t like it anymore. If I say that I am a dog, people will definitely call me insane. For a sane person, it is difficult to believe me since he probably thinks that I’m crazy and pitiful. There is a word for my condition. It is delusion. Your appearance is not always the same as how you think yourself. Your identity is not defined by your perceptions but by sex.

Anyway, you can change your morphology and your look with the help of modern technology. However, you cannot fix every cell level. You can pour water in metal molds and put it in the freezer to get ice cubes. It is still H2O. For example, you were born as a male and you try to change your genitals, have breasts implants, wear makeup and transform into a body with female figures. You still have that ‘Y’ chromosome. You can’t change ‘X Y’ sex determination system. You can’t change naming system either.

Children who are born normally shouldn’t be labelled as “Gender Neutral.” There is no such thing as gender neutrality. Babies are either born as boys or girls. Parents have no rights to either assume or change their kids’ genders. Because their secondary sexual characteristics are not developed yet. Until puberty, children are not able to decide themselves whether they are gays or not. But one thing for sure, they are mostly attracted to opposite sexes. Parents just can’t force their boys to wear makeup or give them hormonal treatments. That’s child abuse.

It’s disgusting to see leftists trying to brainwash our future generations by teaching them about gender spectrum. Gender spectrum is undeniably nonsense and it has nothing to do with sex education and the kids’ future. It’s totally unnecessary to teach small children about genders that do not exist. It is also child abuse to dress up as drag queens and force children to listen to your gender lessons. It is not okay to show up naked and do inappropriate, perverted behaviors in front of children in gay pride parades.

Some people from LGBT community are willing to accept pedosexuality as normal people. That’s beyond cruel. Pedophile is a mental illness. Pedosexuality is not a gender and never should be. You can’t force children to give permission to have sex with adults. It’s totally evil. Kids are not sex objects. Sexually immature kids cannot give consent to sleep with them.

LGBTASDFJKL%√π€#, gender solid, liquid, gas, binary, non-binary, pansexual, asexual, ecosexual etc are not normal. They shouldn’t be normalized under any circumstances. They’re all parts of the genetic variations and diseases. They should never be categorised into “genders.”
Because there are only two genders.

“I’m not going to modify basic biology because it threatens your subjunctive sense of what you think you are.”
“If you don’t think there’s a difference between men and women, you are a fool.”
– Ben Shapiro –

This article is taken from “Good People on The Right Side” by Catherine Washington —->


Follow me on Twitter: @cat_4488

Posted in Feminism, Hollywood, LGBT, Politics

Concerning about “sex” in films (Political Correctness)

Sexual variations and orientations are becoming one of the hot topics on news and media. LGBT rights, gay pride and parades, campaigns, queers, drag queens, etc are either trying to be well respected or just begging for some attention until every month in the year becomes gay pride celebration month.

Gender has become the first thing to consider when you make a movie. A filmmaker or a producer wouldn’t dare to create characters without sexual variation. The idea that at least one person must be gay in a particular movie turns out to be mandatory for every film industry. Plus there should be a strong female character who would punch men in the throat and stab men’s abdomen with high heels for no reason at all.

Among all so-called woke agendas in Hollywood movies and television shows, female empowerment may be the worst of them all. It’s not fair to decide that a woman should lead the movies no matter what. Gender should not be a thing that comes to mind when you start filming. I don’t mean all girl-led films should be banned and destroyed. Because a good film is based on many things. Sex of an actor is just one small thing that contributes to be a part of a good film. For a good film need most of these factors – good storyline, character development, moral lessons, entertainment, and so on. Sex is definitely not the most important thing. Since people has different tastes in everything and in every genre of entertainment, I won’t be arguing that sex is necessary or not. Equality doesn’t mean giving privilege to certain groups of people who think they are oppressed.

Let me tell you how inappropriate and wrong choices of female cast have destroyed a potential good story.

The new remake female version of Ghostbusters (2016) is hated by a lot of people. It is a failure indeed. I’m not encouraging you all to hate it too. I don’t hate it either. I just don’t like the fact how the male co-star Chris Hemsworth is introduced in that movie as he nearly looks like a beta male clerk that literally has no role in it but a joke. Apparently, women power means more more beta males and weak guys that are incomparable to females.

I guess I am not wrong to say that girls power brings weaker men. Another good example is Gotham TV series (2014-2019). I actually enjoyed Gotham series so much. I loved the characters, the actors and almost every episode of Season 1 and 2. And boom. Feminism. There you go. It is because no one asks for it, I suppose. Barbara, Jim Gordon’s ex-girlfriend who might initially thought she was Harley Quinn had changed. She then led the league called The League of Assassins aka Society of Shadows formerly led by Ra’s al Ghul. The odd thing is that she killed all members who are men. She even wanted to wipe out all men from Gotham city. That episode was named “No Man’s Land.”
Since then I felt hopeless for another season of Gotham. Not to mention that Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) suddenly turned out to be gay surprised me a bit.
When TV shows tried to insert too many political agendas to the viewers, it looked boring to me then because they began to show their aggressiveness and rejection after Donald Trump won. It’s no wonder why those Hollywood liberals are so violent and antagonistic.

There was once a hot news where LGBT community and supporters claimed that Scarlett Johansson shouldn’t play a gay role. I should remind some of those people that actors are people who perform while pretending to be the characters according to the written scripts. Simply, it’s their job. An actor is supposed to act like someone he’s not. It’s hilarious to see a few people who complained that Rami Malek lip-syncing in Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) disappointed them. Today generations can’t even figure out the definition of an actor or a performer. Pathetic.

Remember Elizabeth Banks said that men hate movies where women took the leading roles? Earlier, she said Charlie’s Angels (2019) film was totally not for men. Why are they even making movies if they hate male audiences so much? Normal movie-goers don’t usually care about genders or strange sexual preferences. A lot of people have enjoyed a great number of movies where women are the main protagonists. Fans love franchise such as Aliens, Underworld, Hunger Games, Kill Bill, etc. They love Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Rey from Star Wars and a lot of more. Undoubtedly, those fans include both men and women. They enjoy male-led films as well. Because as I’ve said, a good taste in films is dependent on many issues and aspects, not solely on individual’s sex.

Additionally, I have a lot to say about political correctness as well as ‘woke’ ideologies in movies and series. All of a sudden, Kara Zor-El’s sister turned out to be gay in Supergirl series. Legends of Tomorrow‘s White Canary who was once in love with Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) had changed a lot and transformed into one of the strongest gays with female figures ever on TV history. Even Rip Hunter willingly gave his waverider (ship for time traveling) to her just like the way Oliver and Atom (Ray Palmer) gave their companies to Felicity Smoak. Seriously. If I were rich, I wouldn’t give my company to someone who is not related to me and my family. It looked as if any league would fall down if the leader is a male.

This again explains why Paw Patrol is accused of being sexist because a boy is leading the club and there are male dogs that get major roles in that cartoon show.

I watched Spies in Disguise (2019) animated movie in theaters because of Will Smith. It’s an amazing one. Each and every part of the movie is fun and lovely. As far as I remember, there were many other kids in the theater. And there were also a few children sitting beside me. I laughed. They laughed too. Because the movie was so funny and adorable. There was that scene in that animation where two guys hugged and held hands as they were scared of dangers in front of them. I knew it. It was the political correctness again. It was like Disney and some other cartoon channels trying insert gay themes in children animations which are rated as suitable for general views. At that moment, I did wonder how the kids beside me would react to it. It amazed me because they didn’t even notice a thing. Because kids will be kids. Kids don’t need to be taught gender lessons at young age. Gender spectrum is absolutely not sex education. Moreover, gay subject shouldn’t be inserted in kid-friendly cartoons. You have no right to change a prepubescent kid’s sexuality.

Author Note: I suggest you to read the section “Naming System” of my other book “Good People on The Right Side” to learn more about sexuality and my view on LGBT. (Link:

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This article is taken from “Sex Debate” by Catherine Washington —->

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Follow: @cat_4488 (Twitter)

Posted in America, Democratic Party, Liberalism, Politics

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t have a Cortex

Cerebral cortex is the outermost layer that surrounds the brain. It is made up of neurons which are specialized cells for transmitting nerve impulses. The cortex comprises of four different lobes — frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes. Each lobe has a specific function. The cortex is responsible for voluntary activities, language, speech, and multiple brain functions, such as thinking and memory. It process information from the five senses.

Corticalization (wrinkling of the cortex) refers to the process of transferring cognitive functions from the primitive areas of the brain to the cerebral cortex which is responsible for higher learning. The more wrinkly the brain is, the smarter one becomes.

The fact that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez haven’t got a cortex seems so wrong to certain groups of people. I’m pretty sure that some fact-checkers on the Internet might get their brain exploded due to this nonsense. I am sorry if this happens but the title of this article is supposed to be a parody. I know most people on the Internet get offended easily even when they see a sarcasm or a meme. Plus some people who think they are geniuses may fact-check or try to correct me because according to the leftists, we conservatives do not have the right to mock liberals while they can insult us at anytime.

Here are what AOC has said. You will see how senseless and ridiculous she can be. You might wonder if she’s got a brain or not. Well. We don’t feel offended for what she’s said. Because laughter is the best medicine.

“Under capitalism, man oppresses man. Under socialism, it is the other way around.”
Such an inspirational quote. Wow. She really said these words. Can you imagine how many people are voting for her just because socialism is the other way around?

“It’s more important to be morally right than factually correct.”
Oh! Another motivational quotation. It has similar concepts like “Just do what you feel like. Don’t care about the laws.” She meant that you don’t have to be right and truthful. If you think what’s you’re doing seems correct and acceptable to a society, do it then. It is the actual reverse of “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”

“Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs.”
Oops! Politics is harder than Physics. It also includes Maths problems. She probably has no idea how employment and unemployment numbers of people are calculated. It is either you have a job or not. It doesn’t matter if you have two or more jobs. It is not counted three times just because you have applied for three jobs. The numbers and rate of unemployment remain the same even when your second or third job is accounted.

“Yellow cab drivers are in financial ruin due to unregulated expansion of Uber.”
And her campaign spent $4000 on Uber rides.

Here are bonus memes.

She said none of these. (For people who take everything seriously.)

Fight Capitalism!
You’re a true genius. Why haven’t I thought of that?